What If I Don’t Have Money to Pay an Overstay Fine

What If I Don't Have Money to Pay an Overstay Fine

The overstay fine is charged to UAE visa holders who stay in the country after visa cancellation/expiry. You may think, “What if I don’t have money to pay an overstay fine” and I will answer all such doubts here, so stay with me through this post to know everything about overstay fines in UAE.

What If I Don’t Have Money to Pay an Overstay Fine

If an expat or tourist stays in UAE after expiry of visa and grace period, the authority will charge an overstay fine of AED 50 per day. So, the fine amount increases everyday and not everyone can afford to pay the overstay fine for a longer period. So, it is important to know what to do if you are unable to pay overstay fine in UAE and how you can legally exit the country.

  1. Apply for Visa Fine Reduction
  2. Apply for an Out Pass (Exit Permit)

1. Apply for Visa Fine Reduction/Waiver

Overstaying in UAE is illegal and that’s why the government charges an overstay fine on visa rules violators. So, the overstay fine is mandatory to pay, but you can apply for visa fine reduction or waiver if you have a valid reason for overstaying in UAE.

Documents Required to Apply for Fine Reduction

You must provide necessary documents required to apply for fine reduction to the UAE Immigration Department.

  1. A copy of the violator’s passport.
  2. A letter stating the reasons for the violations and violator’s inability to pay the fine.
  3. Any other documents requested by the Fines Committee.

With above documents, you can apply for fine reduction online at GDRFA Dubai website or you can go to the nearest Immigration/Visa Office in the UAE.

Note: You can request for fine reduction if you have a valid reason for overstaying in UAE. Moreover, the UAE Immigration Department will consider the fine reduction request if the fine amount is more than 3000 in Abu Dhabi and more than AED 4000 in Dubai.

The Immigration Department will check your documents and review your reasons. Thereafter it may approve or reject your fine reduction request.

Steps to Apply for Fine Reduction Online

  1. Go to GDRFA Dubai official website @www.gdrfad.gov.ae.
  2. Scroll down to search bar under How can I help you?
  3. Type exemption and click on Exemption from fines for violators of Residence Law.
  4. Read the service description and click on Start Service button.
  5. Select Individuals section, then enter your Username & Password or Login with UAE PASS.
  6. Fill up the application form and upload required documents.
  7. Pay the Fees if applicable and submit the application.

After you submit the application for fine reduction/waiver online or at a nearby Immigration Office, you should wait for sometime. The UAE Immigration Department will check your application & documents, then it will either approve your request for fine reduction or reject it.

  • If your request is approved, you need to pay the reduced fine amount as demanded by the Fines Authority, Immigration Department of UAE.
  • If your request is approved for fine waiver, you don’t need to pay any fine as you are exempted from the fine.
  • If your request is rejected, you need to pay full amount of fine to clear your account before you leave the country.
  • In case your request is rejected and you don’t have the money to pay the fine, you can seek legal advice from a lawyer or your embassy in UAE. The lawyer/embassy will guide you to deal with these circumstances.
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Request for Fine Dismissal to Ministry of Justice

You can get help of a legal adviser (lawyer) to get exemption from overstay fine with a valid reason. With required documents, you can submit an online request for fine exemption to the Ministry of Justice, United Arab Emirates.

  1. Open Ministry of Justice website portal @www.moj.gov.ae.
  2. Select E-Services and click on Services Directory.
  3. Click on the search bar, type “Fine” and click on Search button.
  4. Now, click on “Service Info” under Request for exemption or dismissal of the fine.
  5. Sign in with UAE PASS and fill up the application form.
  6. Attach required documents and pay the fees if applicable.
  7. Submit the application form online and wait for the approval.

The Ministry of Justice will review your request and check the documents you have submitted. Thereafter it will either reduce or dismiss the overstay fine charged on your account.

2. Apply for an Out Pass [Exit Permit]

The Out Pass is the official exit permit issued by the UAE Immigration Department. The overstayed expats in UAE have to apply for an Out Pass to exit the country. The residents and visitors, whose visa is active or in the grace period, can exit UAE without an Out Pass if they have no outstanding fines.

There are two ways to apply for an Out Pass (Exit Permit) in UAE.

  1. Apply for an Out Pass Online at GDRFA Website or ICP Website
  2. Apply for an Out Pass at Amer Centers, Typing Centers and Customer Happiness Centers

If the fine amount is affordable for you then you can apply online to get an Out Pass at GDRFA Dubai website or ICP website. During the application process, you must pay the overstay fine online otherwise you cannot submit the application for an Out Pass.

If the overstay fine amount is too high, you should apply for the fine reduction/waiver online. If your request is approved, you need to pay reduced fine amount and thereafter you can apply online for an Out Pass in UAE.

You can also go to your nearest Amer Center or Typing Center or Customer Happiness Center to apply for an Out Pass with all needed documents.

Apply for an Out Pass Online in Dubai

  1. Go to GDRFA Dubai official website @www.gdrfad.gov.ae.
  2. Click on Services to open relevant page.
  3. Find Violator Follow Up and click on it.
  4. Click on Exit Permit Service and then select Issuance of a Departure Permit.
  5. Read service description and click on Start Service.
  6. Select Individuals section and sign in.
  7. Fill up the application form and pay AED 241 as fee.
  8. Attach required documents and submit the application.
  9. Your Out Pass will be issued in next 48 hours and you will receive it by Email.
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Apply for an Out Pass Online in UAE (Except Dubai)

If you are in Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ajman and any other Emirate except Dubai, you should visit ICP website to apply for an Out Pass online.

  1. Open UAE ICP official website @www.icp.gov.ae.
  2. Select Services and click on Services for Individuals.
  3. Find and click on Issue Exit Permit to continue.
  4. Read the service information and click on Start Service option.
  5. Click on Fines and Leave Permits. The click on Start Service for INVESTIGATION – PERMIT – LEAVING – ISSUE.
  6. Select your desired Module i.e. Residency or Visa.
  7. Select identifier as Unified No. or File No. or Passport.
  8. Enter required information including your nationality and date of birth.
  9. Click on Search button, upload required documents and pay AED 350 as service fee.
  10. Submit your application for an Out Pass and wait for up to 48 hours.

Apply for an Out Pass at the Nearest Amer Center

There are many Amer centers, typing centers and customer happiness centers in UAE. By click on below links, you can find your nearest service center to apply for an Out Pass to exit the country with a legal exit permit.

Click to Find an Amer Center Near Me

Click to Find a Typing Center Near Me

Click to Find a Customer Happiness Center Near Me

  1. Click on one of the above links to find a service center near your location.
  2. Visit your nearest Amer Center or Typing Center or Customer Happiness Center.
  3. Get a Token to meet a service employee for Out Pass request application.
  4. Fill up the application form and attach necessary documents.
  5. Hand over the application form to the service employee.
  6. Pay the service fees and get a receipt.
  7. Wait for up to 48 hours to receive your Out Pass via email.

In this way, you can apply for an Out Pass (Exit Permit) in UAE. After your visa and/or grace period are expired, you have to pay overstay fine or apply for fine reduction and then apply for an Out Pass.

Get an Out Pass at the Airport in Dubai/Abu Dhabi

The Issuance of an Out Pass Service is also available at Dubai International Airport and Abu Dhabi International Airport. You can visit the Immigration Office at the airport to apply for an Out Pass and get it soon.

Consequences of Overstaying in UAE

Overstaying in UAE after visa expiry & grace period expiry have serious consequences for expats and tourists. The UAE Immigration Authority provides a grace period of 30 days to 180 days to residence visa holders and zero grace period for visitor/tourist visa holders.

You must not stay in UAE after your visa & grace period are expired. If you need to stay in the UAE, renew your visa to avoid overstay fines and legal consequences. Here I provide complete info about what will happen if you overstayed in UAE.

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Overstay Fine:

The Immigration Department charges an overstay fine from tourists/residence who stay in UAE after their visa/grace period expiry. The overstay fine is AED 50 per day, so you can get an overstay fine of AED 500 if you stay after your visa expiry.

Arrest and Detention/Jail:

The UAE Government considers overstaying as an illegal activity. It is the violation of residency law in the UAE. If you overstay for a long period, you can get arrested by the police of respective Emirate of UAE.

The police will arrest you and take to a detention center or jail to take legal action against you.


After you pay the overstay fine or you are unable to pay it. You need to follow the legal procedure to get an Out Pass. Thereafter, the Immigration Department will deport you to your home country. Here you do not have any option, you have to follow the instructions of the Immigration Officer and leave the country.

Entry Ban and Blacklisting:

The overstayed visitors and residents have more chanced to get an Entry Ban from authorities. If you do not have enough money to pay the overstay fine, the UAE Immigration Department will put an entry ban on you and add you in their blacklist.

With an entry ban and blacklisting, the foreign citizens (expats) cannot get any visa for UAE and other GCC countries. If you are deported from UAE, there are less chances for you to get a tourist visa or residence visa or employment visa for UAE in future.

In case the UAE government puts a permanent ban, you will never get any visa for UAE. So, these are major consequences of staying in UAE even after your visa and grace period are expired.


The overstay fine is mandatory to pay for everyone who has violated the UAE Residency Law. If you don’t have the money to pay an overstay fine then you need to request for fine reduction and pay the reduced fine.

After paying the overstay fine, you need to get an Out Pass (Exit Permit). The Immigration Department will issue an Out Pass within 48 hours of request submission.

Not paying an overstay fine can lead to arrest, jail/detention and deportation from UAE. The Immigration Department can put a temporary ban or permanent ban on you. It will prevent you from entering UAE in future.


Can I exit UAE without paying overstay fines?

Yes, you can exit UAE without paying overstay fines by applying for an Out Pass (Exit Permit) to the Immigration Department. You have to provide a supporting document to prove your inability to pay the fine.

Can I get an entry ban if I leave UAE without paying fines?

Can I get into jail if I don’t pay overstay fines?

What is the Fee for an Out Pass in UAE?

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