Importance of TC Number in UAE (Where to Find It in Mulkiya)

Check TC Number in Mulkiya

Traffic Code Number or TC Number is a unique code printed on Mulkiya and your driving license. When you buy a new car, you have to obtain its Mulkiya (Registration Card) from Roads & Transport Authority. You can see your Mulkiya to check your TC Number anytime.

In order to drive a car or taxi in UAE, you need to obtain a valid driving license. When you apply for a UAE driving license, a Unified Traffic Number/Code is created for you.

What is TC Number in Mulkiya?

TC Number in Mulkiya is a unique traffic code number that defines the personal traffic profile of an individual person in UAE. The Roads & Transport Authority creates a unique TC Number for every driving license holder in United Arab Emirates.

Mulkiya is Arabic name of the vehicle registration card. After buying a vehicle (motorcycle, car or others), you must apply for vehicle registration to obtain the card i.e. Mulkiya. The Mulkiya contains your TC Number and vehicle information.

What is Mulkiya in UAE?

Mulkiya is the vehicle registration card issued by Roads & Transport Authority in UAE. The vehicle registration is a mandatory process for each and every vehicle in all seven Emirates of the UAE.

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When you apply for vehicle registration, a technical inspector checks your vehicle condition and then approves it to use on the road. On completion of application & approval process, the RTA issues the vehicle registration card for your vehicle and this card is known as Mulkiya.

Every vehicle owner has to obtain Mulkiya for all their vehicles separately. The vehicle registration card or Mulkiya comes with a validity of one year only. Therefore you need to apply for Mulkiya on annual basis and the RTA will check your vehicle condition every year before issuing Mulkiya for it.

Where to Find TC Number

The TC Number i.e. Traffic Code Number is mentioned in two important documents as under.

  1. Mulkiya i.e. Vehicle Registration Card
  2. UAE Driving License

Check TC Number in Mulkiya (Vehicle Registration Card)

In order to find your TC Number in UAE, you just need to check your Mulkiya i.e. vehicle registration card. On the front of Mulkiya Card, the TC Number is mentioned after Traffic Plate Number and Place of Issue.

Check TC Number in Mulkiya

Check TC Number in UAE Driving License

If you want to find TC Number in your driving license, it is printed on the back of the license. Your Traffic Code Number is a unique number that allows Roads & Transport Authority to keep records of all vehicles under your name.

Check TC Number in UAE Driving License

How to Check TC Number Online

As I said above, your TC Number is mentioned on your driving license and Mulkiya (vehicle registration card). In case you want to check your TC Number Online then you need to login to RTA Mobile App of your Emirate.

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For example: If you live in Dubai, you need to download RTA Dubai App and login to the app on your mobile phone. If you are a new user, register yourself to create an account and then login. After login, you can check your Traffic Code (TC) Number on your profile page in RTA Dubai Mobile App.

The same way, you should use Sharjah RTA Mobile App to find your TC Number Online in Sharjah. For Abu Dhabi, you can use Abu Dhabi Police Mobile App to check your TC Number easily.

Importance of TC Number in UAE

The Traffic Code Number (TC Number) is very important for every vehicle owner and driving license holder in UAE. The police department, traffic department, RTA and other government authorities use TC Number to recognize the owner of the vehicle.

Use TC Number to Pay Traffic Fines

In addition to user identification, the Traffic Fine is also charged on vehicle owner’s TC Number. So, you need to provide your Traffic Code (TC) Number for paying traffic fine in the UAE.

Use TC Number to Get a Salik Tag in Dubai

The people in Dubai need to provide their Mobile Number and TC Number to buy a Salik Tag that is used for paying toll tax in Dubai, UAE. Moreover, you have to provide your TC Number to buy a parking card in Dubai.

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Use TC Number to Get a Parking Permit in Abu Dhabi

In Abu Dhabi, you need to provide your Emirates ID and TC Number to obtain a parking permit for your car. So, the TC Number is very important and useful for everyone living in UAE.


The TC Number works as your identity in Mulkiya and driving license. The UAE government authorities use TC Number to recognize vehicle owner and also to charge/impose traffic fines for violation of traffic rules.

In order to find your Traffic Code Number (TC No.), you can check back of your driving license or front of your Mulkiya i.e. vehicle registration card. For more details, check the FAQs and their answers given below. If you still have a query, ask it the comment box to get a response in 24 to 48 hours.

FAQs about TC Number in Mulkiya

What is TC Number in UAE?

The TC Number is a unique code with 8 to 10 digits issued by Roads & Transport Authority to a vehicle owner or driving license holder.

Where is TC Number located in Mulkiya Card?

How do I find TC Number on my driving license?

Where can I use my TC Number in Dubai?

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