Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Timings 2024 X90 Bus Timetable

Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Timings

The Integrated Transport Centre (ITC) provides daily bus service between Abu Dhabi and Al Ain Bus Stations. It offers a safer and cheaper way to travel from Abu Dhabi to Al Ain compared to a taxi or others.

The Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus is called Express Bus X90. The people who aim to travel from Abu Dhabi to Al Ain by bus, can catch Exp Bus X90 from Al Nahyan, Abu Dhabi Bus Station. The X90 bus allows easy and safe traveling between Abu Dhabi and Al Ain City.

Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Timing and Frequency

The Exp Bus X90 is available on daily basis to travel from Abu Dhabi to Al Ain and Al Ain to Abu Dhabi. The first bus departs from Abu Dhabi at 6:45 AM in the morning and the last bus departs at 11:45 PM. Here I provide Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Timing and Frequency as under.

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Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Name Exp Bus X90
Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Timing 6:45 AM to 11:45 PM
Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Frequency Every 1 Hour
Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Service Daily Service

Abu Dhabi to Al Ain X90 Bus Timetable

Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Service begins at 6:45 AM and the last bus leaves at 11:45 PM. Here I provide the complete timetable of Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus X90 as follows.

Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus TimetableMonday to Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Departure TimeAl Nayhan, Abu Dhabi Bus StationArrival TimeAl Ain Bus Station
6:45 AM9:15 AM
7:45 AM9:55 AM
8:45 AM11:15 AM
9:45 AM11:55 AM
10:45 AM12:55 PM
11:45 AM1:55 PM
12:45 PM2:55 PM
1:45 PM3:55 PM
2:45 PM4:55 PM
3:45 PM5:55 PM
4:45 PM6:55 PM
5:45 PM8:15 PM
6:45 PM8:55 PM
7:45 PM9:55 PM
8:45 PM10:55 PM
9:45 PM11:55 PM
10:45 PM12:55 PM
11:45 PM1:55 PM

Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Route

Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Timing

The Exp Bus X90 runs between Abu Dhabi and Al Ain City. The bus departs from Al Nahyan, Abu Dhabi Bus Station and its last stop is Al Ain Bus Station. The X90 bus has several stops on its route that I am sharing here with you.

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Exp Bus X90 – Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Route
Pickup PointAl Nahyan, Abu Dhabi Bus Station
1 Minute StopJarn Yafour, Shk. Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum St / Baniyas Court
1 Minute StopJarn Yafour, Shk. Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum St / Baniyas Court
1 Minute StopAl Maqam, St 1 / Tawam Hospital
1 Minute StopAl Maqam, St 1 / Tawam Hospital
Last StationCentral District, Othman Bin Affan St / Al Ain Central Bus Station

Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Ticket Price

The Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Ticket Price ranges between AED 25 and AED 30. The ticket price is applicable as per person basis and it includes all service charges & taxes.

The bus ticket price may increase or decrease as per the decision of ITC authorities. You can check the ITC website @www.itc.gov.ae to know more about Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Ticket Price and Fare Calculation.

How to Pay Ticket Price

The ticket price can be paid by Hafilat cards only. If you have a Hafilat Card, make sure that you have enough balance on your card. If you do not have a Hafilat Card yet, you can buy it from any bus station in Abu Dhabi and use it to pay for your bus ticket for Abu Dhabi to Al Ain trip.

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Distance between Abu Dhabi and Al Ain

The distance between Abu Dhabi and Al Ain is 144 kilometers. If I talk about road distance between Abu Dhabi and Al Ail City, it is around 163 kilometers. The Exp Bus X90 takes 2 hours & 30 minutes to complete a single one-way trip from Abu Dhabi Bus Station to Al Ain Bus Station.


To make your UAE traveling experience easier, I have shared Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Timing, Frequency, Route, Ticket Price and all important information about it.

The Express Bus X90 operates between Abu Dhabi and Al Ain City on daily basis. It is available from 6:45 AM to 11:45 PM on all seven days of the week including festivals and public holidays.

If you need more information about Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Schedule, you can check the FAQs shared below or ask your queries in the comment box.

FAQs about Abu Dhabi to Al Ain Bus Timing

How do I travel from Abu Dhabi to Al Ain?

You can get an X90 bus to travel from Abu Dhabi to Al Ain. You can also hire a taxi or drive own car but taking a bus is the cheapest travel option.

When is the last bus from Abu Dhabi to Al Ain?

What is the travel time to reach Al Ain from Abu Dhabi?

What is bus fare for Abu Dhabi to Al Ain bus trip?

How do I pay for Abu Dhabi to Al Ain bus ticket?

What is Abu Dhabi to Al Ain bus timing tomorrow?

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